Patron’s Notes are not visible to the lending library. The borrowing library must move the patron’s Note to the Borrower’s Note field in order to pass the information to the lending library.
1. In the Request Manager, click the Awaiting Approval link. All requests that have a Patron's note will automatically go into "Awaiting Approval."

2. Click on the title of the request. This will bring up the full record.

3. Locate the Patron’s Notes field. Notes of a social nature do not need to be copied, but notes relevant to the request will need to be copied into the Borrower’s Notes field.
4. If there are relevant to the lending library, copy them into the Borrower’s Notes field.
5. In the Status Options drop down menu, select “Approved- Send” if the request is ready to be sent to lenders.

6. To save the changes and send the request through, click ‘Submit’ in the upper right corner.

The request has now been sent to the lender list and is pending a trading partner response.