The Lender List appears on the Request Full Record Display and is created by the system when the request is submitted successfully. For Commonwealth Catalog requests this occurs when a request is submitted by staff or patron, or in the case that the patron added notes in the patron note field, once ILL staff manually set the request to Approve-send.
Each entry in the Lender List begins with the library code. It may also include the days to respond, call number and system number – all separated by a comma, as in the example.
The system number, or the Record Identifier value, varies by ILS but is generally the value found in the 001 field and can be located in the Commonwealth Catalog by viewing the Marc Display tab of the owning library’s record. * The Record Identifier will come from the 999c for Bridgewater State, CLAMS, HELM, and MassCat networks. *
All aspects of the Lender List can be edited so long as the format is preserved. For example you would rather the request only stayed in the pending status for 1 day at a particular library, you could change the “4” to a “1”.
Alternatively, you could create your own lender list by using the Blank ILL Request form and entering the required values in the Lender List box. This option would allow you to only send the request to a specific library or libraries that you include on the lender list.
Lenders are removed from the Lender List when they set the status of a pending request to Will Not Supply, after which the request will move to the next line on the list.