Request keeps going into Retry

Answered By: Raina Lenfest
Last Updated: Dec 28, 2023     Views: 57

Why does this request keep going into Retry? 

The Retry status means that an item is requestable but it is not available right now, so the borrower should resubmit the request at a later date. When a request is made, a lender list of all possible lenders is created. The request will go to one lender at a time from that list. If no lenders on the list are able to fill the request at this time because of one of the reasons listed below, the request will go into Retry. This information is found in the Request History. Some possible reasons are: 

- All copies of the item are checked out, or in another status that means Not Available (in transit, on order, etc.) 

- The lender did not respond to the request in the time allowed (4 days). 

- The lender is temporary closed.

Requests in Retry are automatically resubmitted once, after 21 days. 

At any time, staff can send a request through again by changing the status to Approved - Send, then selecting Submit. 

If a request in Retry never matches successfully with a lender, it will move to Expired after the need-by date has passed, where it will automatically be deleted after 7 days. 


Troubleshooting Retry: 

Sometimes a request may go into Retry and show the reason as the item is not available -- lender skipped, even though there is a copy of the resource that appears to be requestable and available in ComCat. The most common cause of this is that this particular lender was not included on the lender list. This can happen when an item record is missing information that ComCat uses or there are some differences in the records for this resource between different libraries/networks. To send the request to a particular lender, staff may place the request using a Blank ILL request form and create a custom lender list that includes the target lender, or submit a ticket to the Helpdesk. 

Please note that requests in Retry count as active requests, contributing towards the 10-request limit for each patron. If the request limit has been reached, canceling or deleting any requests in Retry will allow a patron to place more requests.